Rottweiler Male USA
(Click On Picture For More)
DOB 11.18.05
SG 18-24 Month Class ADRK Klub Show Germany, V2 AIRK Open Class, 66cm, 118lbs.
Bulli von der Tal is is just that, a bull. He is the largest of the males, and that is saying alot. He has a very thick body, very wide chest and even wider rear, very short and level top line, a very strong forehead (like his uncle Morro) and beautiful color. His type is exceptional with very good drive at the age of 4 weeks. Bulli has an unending appetite, just like his sister. He is very vocal, playful and incredibly powerful. At 8 weeks, his weight exceeded 19 pounds.
Bulli was a sensation in Rottweil Germany while walking the streets. Many people stopped his owners and asked to be pictured with him. Click on the picture of him in Germany below and zoom in and you can see that Bulli is super sized in his head piece, an outrageous stop and monstrously wide top skull. Bone strength? It is SICK! Tree trunk bones and a great body with an impeccable top line. Compare his size next to Michelle, the table and the chairs and will see the scale in which his dimensions are impressive. Take a hard look at the width of his top skull.. massive. Can a Rott be any drier in type while alert? No way! Take a hard look at his forehead and the yardage between his eyes and top skull..the word MOUNTAIN pops up. If his head is not big enough, scan down to his chest width... huge, huge, huge. Compare Michelle's hand to Bulli and his dimensions, the dog is built! Bulli in ripped show shape weighs in at 117 lbs and will be standing stud at years end in Maryland, frozen and fresh seman will be made available on what we consider to be one of the best young males in North America. Without doubt, Bulli's pedigree is a breeders dream of the best of the best in extreme producing and the most dominating lines in excellence, 1B/2A eyes, giant head piece, giant bone, great body and a super temperament... he embodies what a large majority of Rottweilers need in North America. Imagine what he is going to be like when he is fully grown!!?
A great many breeders keep asking how we get our head types and the heavy bone strength, well here is how you get it .... Bulli.
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WCRs Bulli vd Tal at 1.5 years of age 112 pounds
(pics above of USRC Show graciously provided by AC)
WCR's Bulli vd Tal in Rottweil Germany at 17 months with the beautiful street peasant Michelle Lewis
Muck vd Scherau

Vico vd Flugschneise
DT.VDH-CH, VPGIII, BH, AD, ZtPR, HD-frei, ED-frei |
Jackomo vd Bleichstrasse
EJS'94, SchHIII, IPOIII, BH, AD, ZtPR, HD+/-, ED-frei, |
Toxi vd Flugschneise
SchHI, BH, ZtPR, HD +/- |
Gesa vd Scherau
Ferro vd Teufelsbrucke
SchHIII, FH, BH, AD, ZtPR, Gek.bis.EzA, HDfrei |
Xelly v Burgthann
Petra Earl Antonius
Int.Ch, YU.CH, YU.M.CH, ROMKJS IPO1, HD-, Best Foreign Female ADRK Klub Show 2002, V-4 Champion Class ADRK Klub Show 2002, Best Pair ADRK Klub Show 2002, CAC, BOB, BISS Romanian Klub Show, Vice Central Europa Winner, First ever winner of "Champion Of Rovinj" Specialty Show BISS and BOB, Zagreb Show Winner, 2 x BISS, 26 x CAC, 8 x CACIB, 4 x r.CACIB, 8 x BOB, Breeding Test U.V.II
18x CAC, 2 CACIB, R.CACIB, 10 BOB, 2 BOG, R.BIS JCHYU, CH YU, IPO1, V1 Spec. Rot. Show RO HD- ED- |
Flash v Wolfert Turm
Hungarian/Russian/Yug CH SchH III, IPO III HD- 5CAC, 3HPJ, 7BOB, 2PRM |
Britta vh Krammer
Ch Yug, Ro.Klsg IPO1, HD-
Gil v Burgthann
INT.CH SchIII AD BH IPOIII Gek.b.EzA 5-18-96 HD+/- |
Beyra v Hankos
4xHPJ Baja Fiat Szepe FGY Fiat KLGy.CAC HJCH |
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